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then press it and deal with complaints patriot Mr. Yu Zhang, Nanjing,mbt tembea shoes, made contact customer service,sale mbt shoes, the person said the company bent on destruction hard drive, then as the company's staff that he can not agree. He gives the work is,mbt, first, Mr. Yu hard drive full buy back issues,buy cheap mbt shoes, and second, spending about 8 off the price,discount mbt shoes, buy mobile hard disk storage hardware.

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�� point of view of consumer privacy should be protected

Cao Yihuai counsel, on the mobile hard disk,mbt walking shoes reviews, the information stored in itself is a carrier, so its most basic function of a problem, the natural fear of their responsibilities to businesses, since the storage of the information carrier are not public information consumers, consumer to delete those requirements should be respected.

Service of Jiaozhen. Jiangsu Province,mbt shoes, the Secretary-General Tongtian Wu told reporters CASE, CASE is the side stand Mr. Yu, as consumers protect themselves against violations of the requirements of privacy reasonable.

Tongtian Wu believes that Mr. Yu's data loss and information leakage may be the direct cause of the problem is caused by the quality of mobile hard drives,mbt shoes, so the business at fault earlier. Although the current compley give up, it should be done according to the most secure option,mbt white, but can not be categorically rejected the company provides grounds to harm the interests of consumers.

Tongtian Wu revealed that being revised He also hoped that more and more consumers establish privacy protection awareness,shoes mbt, courage Jiaozhen.

Par moodhandbags le mercredi 20 avril 2011


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